course name | code | lecturer | .
| | | .
The system Earth, global changes | globvaltozg17em | Ferencz, Csaba |
Space physics and space weather | urfizidojrg17em, urfizidojrg17gm | Lichtenberger, János; Juhász, Lilla |
Numerical mathematical methods in the physics | nummaturfzg17gm | Koronczay, Dávid |
Space broadcasting, data transmission techniques | urhirkozl1g17em | Ferencz, Orsolya |
Space research and its applications | og1c1P04 | Ferencz, Csaba |
Remote sensing applications | taverzgyakg17gm | Lichtenberger, János; Kern, Anikó; Pásztor, Szilárd; Friedl, Zoltán |
Summer practice, preparation | nyarigyakfg17gm | Steinbach, Péter |
Summer practice | nyarigyaktg17tm | Steinbach, Péter |
Satellite on-board instruments | muholdmuszg17em | Lichtenberger, János | .
Electromagnetic wave propagation | elmhullamtg17em | Ferencz, Orsolya | .
Upper-atmospheric physics | felsolegkrg17em | Steinbach, Péter | .
RS techniques in planetology | taverzbolyg17em | Lichtenberger, János | .
Satellite based crop yield estimation | muholdtermg17em | Bognár, Péter | .
Signal processing, radar technique | jelfeldradg17em | Ferencz, Orsolya | .
Propagation of arbitrary e.m. waveforms | tetszelmagg17em | Ferencz, Orsolya | .
Introduction to ionospheric and magnetospheric physics | og1c1P11 | Steinbach, Péter | .
Planetology | og1c1P12 | Steinbach, Péter, shared course | .
History of geophysics | og1c1P10 | Steinbach, Péter, shared course | .